Friggin awesome Vegan Curry

I wish I could have made less of this so I wouldn't have eaten so much!

Because I am trying to rock out this diet thing (even though the spin instructor canceled AGAIN today) I was searching for something to make in lieu of pasta. I had a can of green beans in the pantry and figured that was a good place to start. I used my trusty Whole Foods app (free to download on the iPhone and it is awesome), and browsed through until I found a curry recipe. Now, this recipe calls for tempeh, but since our local health food store didn’t have any, I omitted it. It also calls for sweet potatoes, and since I have two still left over, I wanted to use them but had to use the closer to finished red and white potatoes instead. Without further adieu, here is the recipe:

1 C long grain brown rice we will use fancy Korean rice in the rice cooker

2 C water I use a little less for a thicker sauce

1 (8 oz) pkg tempeh vegan meat substitute found at health food stores

1.5 C vegetable broth

1 med yellow onion chopped I used less than this as well because my husband hates onions

2 cloves garlic finely chopped

1 tbsp freshly grated ginger

1 tbsp curry powder I used more because we like curry

2 tsp ground cumin

1 (13.5 oz) can light coconut milk I used the regular unsweetened coconut milk I usually use for my coffeethis is essential for thickness, so if you want a thicker sauce, get a can of regular coconut milk

1 lg sweet potato I used a few small red and small white diced

.5 lb green beans I used a can of rinsed green beans

.25 C chopped cilantro yeah, I don’t have this

.25 tsp sea salt used table salt

*I added carrots

I had this all simmering happily in the pot and decided to taste it. It was a little bland. I brought it to my husband to test because he is the official tester of the house. He said it needed salt; so I added more salt. I then went to the store for toilet paper. When I got back I stirred the pot and tested it again.

Holy mother, so delicious.

My husband came out with a sly smile. He admitted to adding something. My worst fear is him thinking it would be funny to add bacon or some other meat to our dinner. It would ruin my entire dinner. But he didn’t. It tasted amazing. What did he add? PEANUT BUTTER!! He said he added a scoop of peanut butter. I was amazed. I knew that peanut was in a lot of Thai food, I guess I never made the connection… Anyway, add to the recipe:

1 tsp +/- creamy (chunky might actually work) peanut butter


Now we have our rice made, our curry done and eating. It isn’t quite as spicy as I normally like it, however it is probably the best curry I’ve made yet.

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